Ombre Cognitive

Solo Exhibition
Casa dei Turchi – August 31 > September 20 – via santa maria 5 Rovereto (TN)
Techno Food is in our imaginary

You may say that these signs are just everywhere and this makes us immediately recognise Techno Food canvases when we see them for the first time, because they have always been part of our imagination.
Techno Food a Riva del Garda

Ieri si è chiusa la mostra Techno Food a Riva del Garda.Il successo è stato inaspettato, più di 3500 visite documentate a fronte di un tetto di 1000 dello stesso periodo dello scorso anno.
Moltissimo il pubblico giovane che ha apprezzato il progetto artistico e ha giocato con i frammenti dei logo per ritrovarne l’origine.
Tantissime le foto scattate davanti alle opere dai ragazzi per poi pubblicarle sui social. Molto positivi i commenti scritti in tutte le lingue sul quaderno delle visite.
Ho avuto la conferma che il mio lavoro sia stato mettere alla luce un patrimonio collettivo dove tutti si riconoscono.
“Techno Food c’era già, è bastato solo portarlo alla luce”
More than 3500 visits!

“Techno Food” solo art show will close this night at 10 pm
– More than 3500 visits.
– Riva del Garda (TN) ITALY
– Sala Civica «G. Craffonara» Giardini di Porta Orientale
Techno Food

Last days to visit! Techno Food
“Techno Food” solo art show
– August 12 > 30 2017
– Riva del Garda (TN) ITALY
– Sala Civica «G. Craffonara» Giardini di Porta Orientale
– 10 am to 10 pm
Techno Food – solo art show

“Techno Food” solo art show
– 12 > 30 agosto 2017
– Riva del Garda (TN) ITALY
– Sala Civica «G. Craffonara» Giardini di Porta Orientale
– all days 10 am to 10 pm
– OPENING sabato 12 agosto ore 18.00
Milan Design week 2016 April 4-9
BYS ristorante – via Alberico Albricci, 3 – Milan
Milan Design week 2016 April 4-9
BYS ristorante – via Alberico Albricci, 3 – Milan
Techno Food that takes its roots from EXPO Milano 2015 and its theme “Feeding the planet, Energy for life”. It is a series of Pop Art-inspired canvases, where logos of major corporations are broken up and put together in order to produce the name of a fruit or other foods. For instance, Campari and Nike generate the word cake. What is the underlying idea? Food becomes technological through logo deconstruction. Technological food also becomes food for thought: We should reconsider both what we eat and our apparent freedom of choice. Not all of these companies deal with food, but they inevitably drive our habits and choices.
Modern trends impose that works of art are mechanic, virtual, and easily reproducible, so that they all look perfect and tremendously standardised. But Zanoni’s canvases are handmade. The same concept applies to food. Michele Zanoni’s choice goes against the concept of perfection promoted by the industry, which puts the values of genuineness, simplicity, and spontaneity that belong to nature on the back burner, in favour of advertising and business.
All this explains Zanoni’s approach and his disapproval of perfect, standardised food production. Most of the foods that look natural in fact are not like that. We do not consider food a natural choice, but we normally see it sophisticated.
Michele Zanoni deals with diverse disciplines and styles, and this does not make it easy to define his activity. Before being an architect, a designer or a visual artist, he is a good observer: Every creative process he starts stems from an accurate examination of what surrounds him, and he enjoys experimenting with both materials and technologies.
Wine meets Art
SVINAZZANDO when good wine meets Art.
Techno Food 2.0 Exhibition and Hacked Logo Project.
Milano Design Week 2016
Techno Food 2.0 Exhibitions – Showroom Rondinella & BYS Restaurant – info e tickets
#michelezanoni #technofood #bysmilano #milanodesignweek2016 #fuorisalone
TECHNO FOOD 2.0 Michele Zanoni
Milano Design Week dal 12 al 17 Aprile 2016
Presso Showroom Rondinella
via Morimondo 26,
ex complesso Richard Ginori
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Cocktail party giovedì 14 aprile
dalle 18:00 alle 21:30
su invito Download Invitation
Presso BYS Ristorante
Via Alberico Albricci, 3
info: +39 02 87074880
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Techno Food dinner
venerdì 15 aprile ore 20:00
su prenotazione Click to call
Last weekend
Techno Food da Selezione Arredamenti fino al 28 febbraio. #technofood #selezionearredamenti